The attorneys at Shulman Rogers consistently deliver positive results for our clients, in courts and settlements, throughout Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Whether the matter involves a breach of contract, a property dispute or the pursuit of compensation due to a loss or injury, we recognize that every client and every case is unique. We develop comprehensive, creative and strategically customized plans aimed at an efficient resolution and calibrated to the client’s particular goals and objectives.

We use our deep experience to help clients realistically assess their situation and define what “winning” looks like for them.  When the best way to advance our client’s interests is through settlement, we use the strength of our carefully crafted legal position as leverage to avoid litigation altogether, or to resolve contested matters at the earliest possible juncture. When litigation is the best path forward, we draw from our decades of trial and appellate experience to create a straightforward results-oriented approach.

Clients appreciate our significant trial experience, deep understanding of the local courts and our strong commitment to client satisfaction.

Our attorneys routinely litigate in the Washington DC courts and throughout the state courts in Maryland and Virginia. We have successfully represented clients in 23 of Maryland’s 24 counties, including Montgomery, Howard, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Frederick, Prince George’s, Baltimore City and Baltimore County.  We have deep experience and a track record of success on behalf of our clients in Virginia, including Arlington, Clarke, Culpeper, Fairfax, Fauquier, Frederick, King George, Loudoun, Prince William, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Warren Counties, and in the courts of the independent Virginia cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax, Fredericksburg, Manassas and Manassas Park.





  • Successfully obtained summary judgment for our client in federal court and persuaded the First Circuit to affirm in a case involving direct mail organizations and individuals involved in political campaigns who were sued for defamation by a failed candidate for state senate in Maine.
  • Settled defamation claims on behalf of a Native American-owned business against the San Francisco Chronicle, an online publication, and a journalist.
  • Represented client, when the brother of our client’s deceased husband defamed her on a “tribute” website, accusing her and her family of driving the deceased husband to take his own life. Defamatory content was removed after we issued a cease and desist letter and provided the brother with a draft complaint for defamation and invasion of privacy.
  • Successfully represented a Corporate CEO defamed by political advertising that falsely accused him of criminal conduct. After defeating multiple preliminary motions, we obtained a full-page printed apology from the political action committee that ran the ad in Charleston, West Virginia’s largest daily newspaper.
  • Sued and conducted evidentiary hearing in DC Superior Court on behalf of an overseas shipping company defamed by a ‘think tank’ article accusing the client of smuggling arms to Syria and disabling ship safety locators to avoid detection. We proved falsity, but not actual malice, and the court dismissed on the grounds the article addressed matters of public concern.
  • Represented an owner of several car dealerships in a suit against a consumer complaint website for defamation in federal court in Virginia, and litigated the dismissal of that lawsuit at the 4th Circuit. The case was ultimately dismissed based on the Communications Decency Act’s protections for internet-based speech.
  • Successfully represented client in a child custody case, who had been defamed by ex-spouse’s statements on a GoFundMe website page she was using to solicit funds for legal fees. Defamatory content was removed after receipt of our cease and desist letter.
  • Successfully represented client when a participant in a real estate transaction defamed our client’s broker via the broker’s Facebook page and through other statements, accusing the broker of unethical behavior. We advised the client to block some content and other content was modified or removed after receipt of our cease and desist letter.