Understanding and Complying with Wage and Hour Laws In This Age of Increased Lawsuits and Agency Enforcement Efforts
Feeling confused about the new DOL overtime regulations? Wondering what it means to be “exempt”? You are not alone!
Wage and hour claims are among the fastest growing types of claims against employers – and are often the most costly. Class action lawsuits are becoming more and more prevalent, and state and federal agencies have markedly increased their enforcement efforts.
Please join us on September 27, 2016, as Merry Campbell, Co-Chair of Shulman Rogers’ Employment Law Group, discusses the new FLSA regulations and other common wage and hour questions. This discussion will cover such issues as:
The new DOL regulations
Overtime – who is exempt and non-exempt
How to calculate overtime – it’s not always simple
What is / what is not “working time” for which an employee must be paid
Permitted and prohibited wage deductions
Consequences for violations
How to correct mistakes
Event Details
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Time: 7:30 am – 8:00 am – Registration and continental breakfast
8:00 am – 9:30 am – Program
Place: The Shulman Rogers Conference Center
12505 Park Potomac Avenue
Sixth Floor
Potomac, Maryland 20854
Directions: /Contact
To R.S.V.P., e-mail Kim Woltz at kwoltz@shulmanrogers.com or call 301-230-6565 ext 5366 by Thursday, September 22, 2016.
There is no charge for the program, but reservations are required as seating is limited.
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