If you own or work for a small business, employment laws can be one of your most pressing challenges. Some laws apply to companies with 25 or fewer employees while others kick in as soon as you hire your first employee. And the never-ending acronyms – EEOC, FLSA, Title VII, ADA, FMLA, ADEA – with their myriad of rules and regulations can make your head spin!
Please join us on February 4, 2016 as we present a comprehensive overview of the laws and regulations that affect small businesses and startup companies. Merry Campbell, Co-Chair of Shulman Rogers’ Employment Law Group and Annie Karp, Senior HR Advisor with AK HR Solutions, will lead the discussion and provide practical advice on:
Event Details
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016
Time: 7:30 am – 8:00 am Registration and continental breakfast
8:00 am – 9:30 am Program
Place: The Shulman Rogers Conference Center
12505 Park Potomac Avenue
Sixth Floor
Potomac, Maryland 20854
TO R.S.V.P. CALL KIM WOLTZ AT 301-230-6565 EXT 5366 OR
There is no charge for the program, but reservations are required as seating is limited.
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