There are many legal and business concerns startups should be aware of when looking to raise outside funding. On May 29, Anthony Millin will lead a Maryland Tech Council Roundtable on the “Legal Aspects of Fundraising.” From what type of document to use (SAFE, Convertible Note, etc) to all of the various terms that will be contained in these forms, it is critical for founders to clearly understand what they are agreeing to and how such terms may implicate their companies down the line. In addition, Anthony will discuss what terms can be leveraged and negotiated and what may be more limited.
Maryland Tech Council Roundtable: Legal Aspects of Fundraising
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Launch Workplaces, Gaithersburg, MD
Register Here >>
As a corporate and securities attorney, a successful serial entrepreneur and a venture capitalist, Anthony brings a unique legal and business perspective to advising his clients. NEXT, powered by Shulman Rogers, disrupts the legal industry by offering a broad range of fixed-fee solutions delivered by senior attorneys with valuable business expertise. NEXT solves the problem that startup and emerging growth companies face when launching their business as well as scaling: lack of access to predictable legal fees, seasoned attorneys, the latest technology and key business services.
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