As the new school year begins, Shulman Rogers Personal Services Group wanted to be in touch with some information that may be helpful to you or someone you know. It goes without saying that no parent enjoys having a child face a difficult situation, but being well prepared to handle those situations properly, should they arise, can be very impactful. Often, early intervention by skilled legal counsel is the best way to negotiate a favorable resolution or prepare a strong defense.
Shulman Rogers can help when a child is accused of a crime or a school-related offense – high school or higher education, public or private, disciplinary or academic. Some representative matters we recently resolved for students include:
Our goal and our role is to limit the consequences, regardless of the circumstances. Please contact Paul Chung, Chair of the Criminal Defense Practice Group at (301) 230-5230 or if you wish to confidentially discuss any legal matter, and feel free to share this information with friends and family who you think may find it helpful.
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