3:00PM-4:15PM, EDT
Chapter 11 debtors are increasingly considering structured dismissals as a viable exit strategy after the sale of substantially all of their assets. Although structured dismissals are a more efficient and less costly alternative to confirming a liquidating plan or a Chapter 7 conversion, the use of structured dismissals is not without controversy. In this practical webinar, you’ll receive step-by-step guidance on structured dismissals and how to evaluate whether and when they are appropriate.
Among other things, you’ll learn:
- What structured dismissals are
- How structured dismissals differ from liquidating plans and Chapter 7 conversions
- How to determine whether a structured dismissal should be utilized
- The benefits of structured dismissals over alternative exit strategies
- The argument against structured dismissals, including:
- The assertion that structured dismissals violate the Bankruptcy Code as impermissible sub rosa plans, and
- Objections to the inclusion of various provisions in dismissal orders
- Current judicial attitudes towards structured dismissals, including:
- Bankruptcy court decisions, and
- Recent Third Circuit opinion approving a structured dismissal
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